Illustration Friday - "I Spy"
You've been adrift for three days, just the two of you in a tiny lifeboat. To pass the time you alternate between scanning the horizon with your single pair of binoculars and playing "I Spy," although it's pretty boring:
"I spy with my little eye, something that"
"Is it the water?"
"My turn. I spy with my little eye, something that"
"The water."
(sigh) "Yes."
But then suddenly, your companion is looking through the binoculars and says, "I spy with my little eye...something that is...GREEN!"

ACEO size, Polychromos and Prismas on Somerset satin white.
"I spy with my little eye, something that"
"Is it the water?"
"My turn. I spy with my little eye, something that"
"The water."
(sigh) "Yes."
But then suddenly, your companion is looking through the binoculars and says, "I spy with my little eye...something that is...GREEN!"

ACEO size, Polychromos and Prismas on Somerset satin white.
Very nice, I like the concept.
trudette, at 6:21 AM, March 28, 2007
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